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Current Aging Science


ISSN (Print): 1874-6098
ISSN (Online): 1874-6128

General Review Article

Autophagy Behavior in Endothelial Cell Regeneration

Author(s): Basheer Abdullah Marzoog*

Volume 17, Issue 1, 2024

Published on: 09 October, 2023

Page: [58 - 67] Pages: 10

DOI: 10.2174/0118746098260689231002044435

Price: $65


Autophagy plays a crucial role in maintaining endothelial cell homeostasis through the turnover of intracellular components during stress conditions in a lysosomal-dependent manner. The regeneration strategy involves several aspects, including autophagy. Autophagy is a catabolic degenerative lysosomal-dependent degradation of intracellular components. Autophagy modifies cellular and subcellular endothelial cell functions, including mitochondria stress, lysosomal stress, and endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response. Activation of common signaling pathways of autophagy and regeneration and enhancement of intracellular endothelial cell metabolism serve as the bases for the induction of endothelial regeneration. Endothelial progenitor cells include induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), embryonic stem cells, and somatic cells, such as fibroblasts. Future strategies of endothelial cell regeneration involve the induction of autophagy to minimize the metabolic degeneration of the endothelial cells and optimize the regeneration outcomes.

Keywords: Cell plasticity, cell fate, regeneration, autophagy, endothelial cell, reprogramming, endothelial dysfunction, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).

Graphical Abstract
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