Artificial Intelligence for Protein Research

Closes 01 May, 2025

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Journal: Current Protein & Peptide Science
Guest editor(s):Dr. Xiu-An Yang
Co-Guest Editor(s): Xinyi Xu,Wei Xie


Protein research, essential for understanding biological processes and creating therapeutics, faces challenges due to the intricate nature of protein structures and functions. Traditional methods are limited in exploring the vast protein sequence space efficiently. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) offer promising solutions by improving predictions and speeding up protein discovery and design. By integrating AI and ML into protein research, advancements can be made in predicting structures, designing tailored proteins, and optimizing production processes. This special issue seeks to highlight state-of-the-art research and applications of AI and ML in protein studies. We welcome original research, reviews, and perspectives showcasing how AI and ML can revolutionize protein understanding and facilitate the development of innovative protein technologies.


Protein structure, Machine Learning, Deep learning , AI-driven prediction, Reinforcement learning, Computational biology


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