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Recent Patents on Nanotechnology


ISSN (Print): 1872-2105
ISSN (Online): 2212-4020

A Sound Absorptive Element Comprising an Acoustic Resonance Nanofibrous Membrane

Author(s): Klara Kalinova

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

Page: [61 - 69] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/187221050901150311102407

Price: $65


As absorption of sound of lower frequencies is quite problematic with fibrous material made up of coarser fibers, development of highly efficient sound absorption material is called for. This is why this work deals with the development of new high sound absorption material. To absorb the low frequencies, especially the structures based on resonance principle of nanofibrous layers are used, when through resonance of some elements the acoustic energy is transferred into thermal energy. The goal of the invention is achieved by a sound absorbing means which contains resonance membrane formed by a layer of polymeric nanofibers, which is attached to a frame. For production of nanofibrous membranes, the cord electrospinning was used. The resonance membrane was then, upon impact of sound waves of low frequency, brought into forced vibrations, whereby the kinetic energy of the membrane was converted into thermal energy by friction of individual nanofibers, by the friction of the membrane with ambient air and possibly with other layers of material arranged in its proximity, and some of the energy was also transmitted to the frame, through which the vibrations of the resonance membrane were damped. The density and shape of the mesh of frame formations determine the resonance frequency of the acoustic means. The goal of the invention is therefore to eliminate or at least reduce the disadvantages of the present state of the art and to propose sound absorbing means that would be capable of absorbing, with good results sounds in as broadest frequency range as possible. Here, we also discussed some patents relevant to the topic.

Keywords: Absorption, acoustics, electrostatic, frame, frequency, grid, membrane, mesh, nanofibres, panel, resonance, sound, spinning, structure, vibration.

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