Background: As an important developing renewable and sustainable energy source, biodiesel has been consideredaround the world due to its excellent environmental impacts. This paper discussed the advantages and disadvantages of four different biodiesel production methods.
Method: Compared with the homogeneous catalytic and supercritical methods, the heterogeneous catalytic and biocatalyst methods would be better choice in the future under the consideration of environmentalfriendlinessand ease of operation as well as high reaction activity for the catalytic conversion reaction.
Results: This paper also reviewed the biodiesel upgrading technologies for promotingits commercial industrial applications. In addition to be directly used as additives for light fuels and solvents of chemical products, the free of oxygen biofuels, alkanes, and epoxy compounds could be further produced from biodiesel via hydrotreating process, electrochemical synthesis and epoxidation technology, respectively.
Conclusion: All these upgrading and refining technologies not only could resolve the poor lowtemperature properties of biodiesel, but also deeply promote the biodiesel commercial industrial application and its sustainable development.
Keywords: Biodiesel, biocatalyst methods, electrosynthesis, epoxidation, hydrotreating, transesterification.