Steroidal drugs are synthetic in nature that are closely identical to naturally
produced hormones in our body such as cortisol and testosterone. They are lifesavers
for several threatening medical conditions. They are currently in wide use for the
treatment of various inflammatory diseases since they are known to involve in
suppressing the immune system resulting in a reduced inflammatory process. They are
produced in different forms and do not cause any major side effects when consumed at
low doses. However, occasionally they lead to perilous side effects when taken in
appropriate doses that lead to mental health problems, high blood pressure, diabetes,
osteoporosis, etc. Practices such as the uptake of illicit anabolic steroids and
corticosteroid drugs without an appropriate prescription can potentially lead to fatal
side effects. Anabolic steroids are performance and image-enhancing drugs that were
once viewed as predicament associated with bodybuilders and have now become a
widespread problem throughout our society including children. Dietary supplements
which act as steroidal precursors also promote medical consequences that are similar to
steroids and the absence of such awareness in our society leads to varied difficulties in
our current lifestyle. The increasing concern about possible health hazards in
association with abusive steroid drug uptake should be addressed with strict measures.
It is important to educate our society about the hazardous effects of steroidal drug
abuse and the precautions that need to be carried out while using them. This chapter
highlights different types of steroid drugs that are currently in use and the deleterious
side effects caused by their abusive use. Potential treatments for their withdrawal and
preventive measures will also be addressed in detail.
Keywords: Anabolic steroids, Corticosteroids, Drug abuse, Inflammation, Steroidal drugs.