Hexavalent chromium has been a potential threat to human beings due to its
toxicity and carcinogenesis. The pathway of entry of hexavalent chromium in an
aqueous medium is both anthropogenic and natural through ores of chromium.
Prolonged exposure to hexavalent chromium may cause DNA mismatch and gene
mutation, resulting in cancer. Cr(VI)- induced malignant cell and its study has become
very important towards the possible mechanism of Cr(VI) binding. When a cell of the
human lungs adsorbs hexavalent chromium due to prolonged ingestion of Cr(VI)
contaminated water or inhalation, oxidative DNA damage is caused in the specific
gene. This causes mutations in adenine and guanine bases of DNA in cases of lung
Keywords: Cr(VI), Carcinogenicity, DNA, Mutation.