Advanced Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Technologies

Closes 15 June, 2024

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Journal: Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications
Guest editor(s):Dr. Jashanpreet Singh
Co-Guest Editor(s):


As one of the most advanced fields of study and technology in existence today, artificial intelligence (AI) is finding more and more applications in production and daily life, especially in the industrial sector. This showcases the many applications of AI in mechanical production, including but not limited to: improving worker safety, detecting defects, and conducting quality inspections. Products of the merging of AI and mechanical manufacturing, such as smart sweepers and dishwashers, are finding more and more applications in people's everyday lives, elevating the significance of AI technology in people's lives overall. Indeed, mechanical manufacturers have made extensive use of AI technology, which guarantees production accuracy while also increasing job efficiency and worker safety. All over the industrial sector, there have been major shifts brought about by the advent of AI. Automation, intelligent development, and increased productivity are all goals of the industrial sector that can only be achieved with the help of artificial intelligence technologies. Our AI-powered mechanical component categorization system allows us to suggest parts from a computer-aided design (CAD) file or picture. The existing method for locating a machine part requires perusing a catalog and, using what little knowledge you have, determining which part you need. Because a change of only one digit or character could indicate a new kind of component, there are serial numbers to commit to memory. Our search will be much simplified by the algorithm, which will choose the best portions. This special issue will be focused on the application of AI in various manufacturing applications like additive manufacturing, casting, joining, welding, friction stir processing, machining, non-traditional machining techniques, etc., and coating techniques (such as thermal spray, cold sprays, and electrochemical deposition. AI tools such as neural networks, image processing, machine learning, and regression techniques can be effective tools in inspecting, monitoring, predicting, controlling, and diagnosing the manufacturing processes. The special issue on “Advanced Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing Technologies” is intended to enrich the literature with more advanced and novel solutions to the problems in manufacturing applications.


Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing, Machining, Joining, Casting, Handling


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